Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bye Bye Nackies

Anyone who knows Ty very well knows he has an addiction. That's right my poor 2 year old is addicted to fruit snacks. Not just any fruit snack. They must be Welch's fruit snacks otherwise it doesn't count. To Ty these are called "Woot Nacks or Nackies" when I tried to offer him any other kind of fruit snack he would say "NO, WOOT NACKS!" On a normal day he would eat 4-10 packs of these babies. I guess he didn't really EAT them.....he SUCKED on them. Not good, I know. Fruit snacks turned into his comfort item. He wanted them first thing in the morning, last thing at night and all day in between, especially when he got scared or tired.

So last week the whole family (except Jeremy) made a trip to the dentist. Everyone did fairly good but poor Ty. Bet you can't guess? He has MAJOR tooth decay. OUCH! So now I am weening him off of his nackie addiction. This is not an easy chore but we are getting through it. We also have to brush his teeth really good twice a day and he has to take fluoride pills before bed. We go back in 6 months. If his teeth are any worse at that visit then we will have to take him to a Pediatric Dentist to get him put under and do extensive work on his teeth.

I feel so bad that I have done this to him. I am the enabler. Now all I can do is my best to make his teeth healthy.


Cyndi said...

don't be too hard on yourself. you're an amazing mom.

Cara said...

So sorry! He'll be okay. I need to ban fruit snacks in my house too because they all fight over them and throw fits if they can't have them!