Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last week we had to take Travis to the craft store to buy materials for a science project. When we were there I found these cute little figurines to paint for $1! Kinley loves to paint and color and pretty much do any kind of project so I got one for her and one for Ty. They were so excited when they got to paint them last friday!! It was a happy day. And surprisingly I did not help them at all. I am kind of anal about things and want them to look perfect. I just sat back and let them do their thing.

The picture of the plate is Kinley's creative mind at work! She painted people with the paint containers as their heads! She told me they were Travis, his girlfriend and Ty!!!


Ariane said...

So cute! I can't believe how big Ty is getting! He looks so much like Jeremy!

Cara said...

What a fun Mommy!