Friday, February 11, 2011

New Glasses Day!

McKinley in her new glasses!

Kinley has now had glasses for a year and a half. Three days ago she got a new pair! These are only her second pair of glasses. She has done really well with them. We had the first pair for 8 months before they got broke. However, we did spend the last 4 or 5 months super gluing them together. Mostly because Ty likes to rip them off her face and throw them when he is mad at her.

Once January came around it was time for a new pair! Kinley picked these out all by herself. Personally they are not my favorite but I'm not the one that has to wear them. They are princess Ariel glasses! She loves them. The new place we went treated her like a princess and that made me really happy.
Now look closely.
Can you see it?
They are bifocals.

As most of you know McKinley has a "lazy eye". Her right eye tends to wonder. I have learned so much about this condition it is really interesting. Anyway, we patched her for a year and a half and she did okay with that. It did improve her eye a lot but the doctor felt we had corrected it as much a possible with the patch and now need to retrain it, hence the bifocals. Bifocals will teach her eyes to work together to see correctly both near and far. So far she has done amazing with bifocals! I have to admit I was worried. She is doing great and I have not noticed her eye wondering much with them! Cross our fingers that this will work for her.



Brooke said...

Cute. Did you go back to Dr. Gooch's office? She looks good!

Hopie said...

She looks so big!!!! You can tell by that grin on her face that she likes them!!! GOOD MOMMY!!!!