Wednesday, April 6, 2011


How beautiful are these?!

A few years ago I was surprised to notice a lilac bush in my back yard. You see lilacs remind me of my Grandma Callister. Now I get a daily reminder of her each spring as my flowers grow!

My Grandma has been passed away for over 15 years now but the smell of lilacs takes me right back to her. She used to have a beautiful lilac bush outside her front door. I loved the spring because it would blossom and fill the air with it's light, fresh scent. I remember smelling them ever time I went to visit her.

I miss you Grandma. Some day we will be together again!


Hopie said...

I absolutely LOVE lilacs!!!!! Sadly, Randy is highly allergic to them :( I go to my mom's house to get my fix, she has a bush in her front yard!!!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE LOVE the smell of lilacs! I really want to plant a bush so badly. Nothing is better and NOTHING says spring quite like it! I'm seriously jealous! :-)

Cheryl said...

I love lilacs. They are one of my most favorite flowers. When we were growing up, our neighbor had two or three planted in her yard. I loved walking by her house to and from the bus stop in the springtime. The scent was heavenly!